
Saturday 6 August 2011

My conscience

why i chose this magic words??? sbb aku nie ska buat kja ikut kata hati...hehe...;) bkn kja yg jahat skrng, bnyk yg ikut kata hati wat bnda yg jahat..ish2...trok nya...rogol, bunuh, ragut, rompak smuanya ada kt dunia skrng nk jd ngan mnusia skrg yee....manusia yg x bslh pun jd mangsa kpada mnusia yg btopeng kn setan skrng nie bnyk yg mlas2 sbb tue lh da kes ragut...dh mlas nk kja g ragut org lak...korg dpt duit tue  pun bkn nya halal, tp Haram...korg blh lepas dr dunia nyata tp x leh lpas dr hukuman Tuhan..korg akn dpt balasannya satu ari klak....hahahaha..(evil laugh)....:)...HAPUSKN KAN JENAYAH!!!

Would you be my valentine??

Would you be my love??, how you guys out there voice out our love words to someone you love..To all boys and girls out there please take care of your love one..If you really love them, makes them feel worthy and proud of you...i want to share a story about my 1st love..woow! talk about 1st love it feels like i am at the top of the world...You know, i am so addicted with her like drug..haha...But, now i realize that my love towards her is just a game for me...You know how it feel if someone reject your love, i think you want to slit your own throat...So, the moral of the story, don't you ever2 do stupid thing because of your love is rejected!!:)

Sarawak...the amazing place for tourism.. have you been to Sarawak yet?...there are many places you can visit in Sarawak...Sarawak well known for the name 'Land of Headhunter'
But, that is a Long2 time ago...Now, there is no such a 'headhunter' in Sarawak...Iban,Malay,Bidayuh,Kayan,Kenyah,Kelabit,Penan,Punan all lives together in one nation called Sarawak..
Multiple races makes Sarawak more harmony with varieties of culture and ethnics...Tourism?? Yes this is the good place for tourism...Come Here to feels the spectacular scenery of Sarawak...i bet you will not regret..
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